My old home town Nordhorn still feels very much like home. It’s been over six years since I left here but it doesn’t feel like that way at all. Some things have changed of course but except for a few new apartment blocks I haven’t seen big differences so far.
The way here
I decided to drive from Riga to Nordhorn with just two nights on the way. The day after my last post I drove all the way through Poland (over 750 km) and spent the night about 40 km inside the German border in Waldsee Camping. The roads were really good in Poland and in Germany and except for some toll booths in Poland that wanted my money there was really nothing to complain. No traffic jams worth mentioning and just a couple of short stretches that were under construction. I arrived in Nordhorn yesterday afternoon about a day earlier than I expected. The weird issues with Naranja have not returned.
The first day in Nordhorn
Yesterday I went to visit an older couple I know well from before, Hans and Gerlinde. I spent last night on their driveway and today I unpacked my bike and we went to a nice long bike tour around the city with Hans. We also visited the zoo here in Nordhorn. I’m not really a zoo-person normally, but this one is nicely built and I didn’t get the bad feeling I sometimes get about keeping animals in cages.
Now I moved Naranja to a city owned mobile home parking lot and bought a night here. I may stay more nights here too, but I’m not quite sure about the next days yet. I’m now waiting for an old colleague from the school I worked at here in Nordhorn.

The plan for the next days
I’ve got quite a lot of meet ups the next days here. I’m planning to leave Nordhorn on Saturday and then visit two other places a couple of hours south of here. I’m going to do another post with some more pictures from Nordhorn during the next couple of days.