Homelessness Is Around the Corner – In a Manner of Speaking at Least

I still have a couple of weeks of normal living to go before my apartment goes. Also I’ve been doing some upgrades and maintenance to Naranja and the plan for the departure date is also getting clearer.

Emptying and sorting out

There’s still a lot to do with packing and getting rid of stuff, but I’m getting there. I have already packed my winter clothes and sorted out all the papers that had stacked on two cupboard shelves. I’ve also already joined a recycling Facebook group that helped me get some of my furniture for free when I moved in. I’m planning to give some of them back for free and also some I bought from flea markets.

I also found a place that is looking for donations so at least some of my plants and probably my sofa as well will get a new home there. I might also leave my guitar there at least until I feel like getting my next apartment. The place is a house for girls that just started here in Jyväskylä this spring and they are still building up their premises.

Naranja upgrades

I did some stuff on my own and even if it’s not a whole lot, I’m proud of myself. I replaced the car radio that had issues with setting the volume and had no way of connecting my phone to it. Since I discovered audio books this spring and they have made long drives much easier. So I ordered a cheap Chinese Bluetooth radio and installed it and so far I’ve been happy with it.

I also ordered and installed a blind to my Maxxfan. It was a bit more challenging to install, but I got that done too. Here in Finland where the nights are very light, it has been very helpful. It also has a LED light that gives a lot more light to the bed area and especially the cupboards.

Blind on
Light on

The third update was mainly a cosmetic one. I got a new floor mat to the driver floor. The one I had was a little ripped and very dirty. I also got two little mats for the steps for getting in.

Setting the departure date and plan for the first week

I’m most likely hitting the road on the first of August. I need to give up the apartment the day before and I’m also planning to go on a boat trip with my friends then. So there’s still some maybes there and I’m not leaving in the morning at least.

Then the idea is to spend the next week driving around in Estonia and maybe Latvia. I only have one week off work there, but Budapest is not that far away and I only need to be there on the 19th.

1 thought on “Homelessness Is Around the Corner – In a Manner of Speaking at Least

  1. Pingback: How Has the New Gear Been Working? - Roadnaranja

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