The first leg to Riga
Everything went very smoothly down to Helsinki yesterday and we found a pretty spot to sleep over close to Korso in Vantaa. We had a big breakfast in Naranja and then headed out to Katajanokka for the ferry. The drive from Tallinn to Riga was pretty uneventful and we reached our goal around 7 PM as planned. Everything seemed fine when I dropped Ville off to pick the keys to his apartment and went to turn the car meanwhile. And then suddenly…
Check engine
Do you know those words? Well, my dear Naranja decided that it was time to show me them today in the beautiful city of Riga. Nothing seems obviously wrong with the car and it works and sounds all normal. But those words… I do need to let someone have a look at it asap. I’m hoping I can reach a repair shop tomorrow morning that they have time to read the error code. Also, I hope someone speaks English since my Latvian is not very fluent…
I’ll update you on this tomorrow, but meanwhile I’m trying a proven recipe against bad news: some crap food and a beer.

Update: I found a place where Naranja will be checked today at 1 pm. The guy guessed that it could have something to do with exhaust filter, but we’ll see. I’ll keep you posted.