This Is Naranja, the Road Ship


As promised earlier, here’s a separate post about my road ship that I will share the adventure with. Naranja is a mobile home built into a beautiful orange Fiat Ducato. It left Fiat’s factory in 2006 and was built into a mobile home by Globecar in 2007. I’m not going to bore you with that many more technical details. But in the end there’s a paragraph about a few things that I have had installed extra since the purchase. Below I’ll also reveal the secret of the name Naranja. But first some quick images.

A visual tour
Living area
A view from the sliding side door.
The kitchen
The kitchen has a gas stove, a sink and a spacious fridge,
The bedroom
The bedroom has plenty of storage room above it.
The bathroom
The bathroom has more space than you’d think and it even has a shower.
View through the back doors
Already packed and ready to go! There’s plenty of space under the bed as well.
Why Naranja?

The name Naranja of course has to do with the color of the vehicle, but also with other goals for this whole endeavor. Naranja in Spanish means orange and since learning Spanish is one of the goals for the trip and since going to Spain is another, the name fits like a glove (I think it does at least).

A good friend told me to call it the Clockwork Orange and I did consider that for a while. Especially in Spanish that would completely make sense: La naranja mecánica. But driving a van that carries a name of a book that entails graphic violence and raping, didn’t quite feel right somehow.


Since I’m planning on working on the go, power is absolutely essential. Especially because I most likely won’t have shore power available for a big part of the trip. Therefore Naranja now has a 180 W solar panel on the roof, leisure battery capacity of 190 Ah and a 1000 W inverter. The last mentioned is needed to get AC for my display and laptop but also for charging my phone and other gadgets. I worked a few days out of the car in Finland for testing purposes during the summer and decided to double the battery capacity just in case. That was done just yesterday actually.

Since sometimes working from inside the car was hot even in Finland, Naranja now has a Maxxfan built in. If it’s even too hot with the fan running, I can move outside and work from under a roomy awning I got installed. I still have to find a folding table for that purpose though. That’s something I will have to find during the trip.

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